7 Reasons Your Baby Isn’t Sleeping Well At Night

Baby not getting enough sleep at night? Or are you feeling the effects of sleep deprivation yourself? It can feel so daunting to try and pinpoint why sleep has escaped your home. If you have a newborn (baby is under 16 weeks old), I have lots of free resources for you to check out. And [...]

2 Year-Old Sleep Regression

I’ve spoken at length in the past about parents blaming their child’s sleep issues on “regressions.” Through my extensive experience, I have learned that there are only two “real” regressions. One at four months, and another one around 10-12 months. Outside of those two regressions, long term issues with a child’s sleep are almost always [...]

10-12 Month Sleep Regression (and Why it’s Not Time to Transition to 1 Nap)

Here at Baby Sleep Trainer we tend to shy away from using the term “regression.” That’s because I find families will look for any reason to explain why their child isn’t sleeping through the night. (For example, I often hear teething, ongoing and repeated sleep regressions, nightmares, etc.) Yet, the most obvious reason is that [...]

How Much Crying is Too Much?

Families often ask me, “How much crying is too much crying?” Of course, what they’re really asking is… When I put my baby down awake at the beginning of sleep training, and they protest falling asleep without help by crying, how long is it okay for them to cry? This implies an underlying assumption that [...]

Are Sleep Regressions Real?

Often in parenting circles things are discussed in such a way that everyone assumes something is real. I’ve found this to be the case with sleep regressions. Not to toot my own horn, but my client count is now pushing 5,000 families. After working with so many babies I started to wonder, are baby sleep [...]

By |2022-02-16T11:44:12-08:00April 8th, 2019|Categories: Troubleshooting|Tags: , , , , |27 Comments

Potty Trainer Sleep Trains

I have a guest blogger! Diana (below) sleep trained her daughter using The Baby Sleep Trainer Program + Support, and she in turn, helped my associate, Rachel, potty train her 3 year old boy. Read on for her experience, and also check out Rachel's experience with Diana's PooLogix program too! <3 -- I would like [...]

By |2019-06-14T15:00:51-07:00November 2nd, 2018|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Sleep Training Methods: Which is Best for Your Baby or Toddler?

Many parents wonder, which is the best sleep training method to use on my baby? I think it’s normal that families, mothers in particular, spend a lot of time researching different baby sleep training methods. We live in a time where we have such a huge amount of information available to us 24/7. Sometimes, if [...]

The Four Month Sleep Regression

Ahhhhh, the four month sleep regression. Rare is the family that doesn’t experience some sort of disruption to their infant’s sleep patterns around the fourth month of life. Some experienced/well-read parents anxiously dread this impending “regression.” However, most new moms and dads are completely blindsided by their little one’s sleep suddenly taking a nosedive around [...]

By |2021-01-12T14:20:56-08:00December 29th, 2017|Categories: Newborn, Troubleshooting|Tags: , |3 Comments

How to Help Your Sick Baby Sleep Best and When to Resume Sleep Training

Last Updated . After so much time and courage to finally get a sleep training plan going, here comes illness to put a wrench in your plans and progress! Illness often stops the sleep training process short, and parents struggle to pick it back up again. Or perhaps you have only recently “completed” sleep [...]

How to Pair Siblings When Sharing Rooms

  Many times parents will find themselves trying to decide which two children to pair together when sharing rooms. There are a few factors to consider which may not be obvious at first.  For our purposes, let’s say we have three children: one aged 5-months-old (a girl still taking a night feeding but not usually [...]

How to Deal With Sleep Regressions

The dreaded sleep regression... Dun dun DUNNNNN! It's ok. I'm here for you! To begin, there are all sorts of sleep regressions. While some regressions occur due to circumstances like travel or illness (which we’ll discuss below), many occur for seemingly no reason at all. Many researchers have noted that there are certain periods of [...]

By |2021-02-02T14:35:16-08:00July 28th, 2014|Categories: Troubleshooting|Tags: , , , |18 Comments
