Welcome to our sleep training success stories! Each week we feature a family who has been through it, survived, and is finally thriving with more sleep and less stress! Sara Hollenbeck, mother to Rhett, sleep trained with me when baby was 16 weeks old. Here is their story…..

Photo Credit: Sara Hollenbeck

I finally decided to bite the bullet and sleep train because…

I was a first-time mom and had no idea what I was doing!

My biggest worry about sleep training was…

I was worried about if it would work, would he cry too much, and would I sleep.

Before sleep training my baby slept…

Sporadically waking twice a night or more. Waking up super early like 5am.

After sleep training my baby sleeps…

12 hours straight!

The actual sleep training itself was…

A breeze!

Did your attachment with your baby change after sleep training?

Not at all, I do miss taking a nap with him every now and then but him sleeping well for naps and at night outweighs my desire to co-sleep

Do you think sleep training is healthy for baby, you, and your family?

100% the way the book explains why everything happens a certain way made so much sense.

(Picture yourself telling a close girlfriend) Sleep training is…


How many nights did it take for baby’s nighttime sleep to improve and how many nights did it take for baby’s naps to improve?

His sleep improved almost instantly. Instead of going in every time he cried in the middle of the night I would wait and he would always put himself back to sleep. Within 2 weeks he hardly cried longer than a minute when going to sleep. Naps took longer to master. But after about a month of staying consistent his naps improved

Would you recommend BST to a friend and if so, who and why?

I tell every pregnant person I know to read the book and to start the training at 16 weeks. It’s life changing.

If you are experiencing sleep issues with your little one, you can get the help you need with one of my efficient, affordable programs. Click here to learn more. Got a success story to share? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email here.

Your partner in sleep, Natalie xoxo