Discover everything you need to know to be successful with sleep training your baby or infant in a safe and nurturing way.

Back to School Routines

You know how there are some parts of who you are that are just unabashedly you? Some of us are pensive, or talkative, or good at math, or have excellent penmanship. Well, I am really great at being organized, and I thrive on routines! Summer is fantastic, and I love every second of it. But, [...]

How To Stay Calm When Sleep Training

We talk a lot about how to sleep train babies, when to start, and even how to make sure your baby’s attachment to you remains unaffected during the process. But, we’ve never discussed how to make sure you (usually Mom) can maintain her composure and calmness while sleep training. The reality is that no matter [...]

By |2022-02-16T11:45:56-08:00March 4th, 2019|Categories: How To Be Successful|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Why Starting Your Day at the Same Time Is Vital!

Parents seldom realize why starting your day at the same time is vital in setting their child up for success during sleep training. If your child starts their day at inconsistent times each morning, they will never be able to have consistent nap times. Read on to discover my top tips for starting your day at the same time successfully! Photo Credit: Studio 7024 What Time to Wake [...]

By |2021-01-12T14:10:08-08:00January 29th, 2019|Categories: How To Be Successful|Tags: |15 Comments

Sticking to a Check-In Time

While it seems there are a vast array of sleep training methods to pick from, many of them are almost identical when you read closely between the lines. Nearly every popular sleep training method involves putting your child down awake, visiting with them in some way while they protest falling asleep, and ultimately allowing them [...]

By |2019-06-07T13:41:44-07:00January 28th, 2019|Categories: How To Be Successful|Tags: , , , |5 Comments

Having Realistic Expectations When Sleep Training your Child

It can be hard to sleep train your child! Not as hard as all those nights of poor sleep, but going through the process of teaching your child to sleep unassisted is definitely up there on the list of "tricky parenting tasks." As someone who has dedicated my life to supporting families who have trouble [...]

By |2019-06-13T15:11:18-07:00January 28th, 2019|Categories: How To Be Successful|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Sleep Training and Attachment

I tend to answer the same questions over and over again from clients reaching out for sleep training help. The one I get most often is, “Will sleep training harm my baby’s attachment to me as their mother?” Even when a mother knows logically that her child has a sleep issue. And that everyone would [...]

Eat-Wake-Sleep Cycle

Last Updated . Parents will see the “Eat, Wake, Sleep” (EWS) cycle recommended in various books and online as a way to encourage their newborn to sleep longer. There is a reason the eat wake sleep (EWS) cycle has persisted as a recommendation for over a decade. It is because it really is an [...]

The Importance of Setting Goals (for Sleep Training) & Keeping Them

Before you have a baby, sleep training might seem like a far-off nebulous concept. Like something your sister-in-law or cousin told you about once in passing. Now your baby is here! And you are encountering the reality that your infant or toddler might need some help figuring out how to sleep independently. Now the concept [...]

By |2019-07-03T15:28:51-07:00May 22nd, 2017|Categories: How To Be Successful|Tags: |0 Comments

The Stigma & Judgment of Sleep Training

How to deal with the stigma and judgment of sleep training can be trying. As a sleep consultant, I spend a tremendous amount of time disabusing people of the misinformation they've heard regarding sleep training. Any parent who has spent anytime in a parenting Facebook group, or googling about children and sleep, knows there’s A [...]

By |2021-01-26T14:47:43-08:00April 17th, 2017|Categories: How To Be Successful|Tags: , , , |4 Comments
