Parents seldom realize why starting your day at the same time is vital in setting their child up for success during sleep training. If your child starts their day at inconsistent times each morning, they will never be able to have consistent nap times. Read on to discover my top tips for starting your day at the same time successfully!

Photo Credit: Studio 7024
What Time to Wake Your Baby
I recommend setting a firm start time for each day. For example, once my clients start my sleep training program, I advise them not to do any in-person checks from 4 A.M. until 6:30 A.M. (Unless in case of emergency.) If the baby is awake at any point prior to 6:30 A.M., Mom and Dad wait until 6:30 A.M. to get their baby up. Once Mom and Dad enter baby’s room, this counts as when baby “wakes up” for the day. Regardless of whenever the child actually woke up prior to that time.
Nap Times for Baby
If baby is asleep at 6:30 A.M., I have Mom and Dad wake baby by 7:00 A.M. Either way, baby’s first nap is set at a firm time. (8:30 A.M. for babies on three naps, anytime starting between 9:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. for babies on two naps, and anytime starting between 11:30 P.M. and 1:30 P.M. for toddlers on one nap). The Baby Sleep Trainer method does not use wake times when determining what time to put baby down for a nap. Instead, we base baby’s nap times “by-the-clock.” This means that baby goes down for their naps at their scheduled times, regardless of how short their previous nap was.
Want to Learn More?
To review, why starting your day at the same time is vital is because it allows your baby to have a consistent schedule each day. By starting your child’s day at the same, and by using a “by-the-clock” method instead of wake times, you are likely to find your child adjusting to a schedule quickly. If you and baby are struggling to build healthy sleep habits, I have affordable training options that can help you both get the sleep you need! Find out more about the Baby Sleep Trainer programs here.
How many times should a 4 month be sleeping during the day not including bed time sleep ?
It depends on if baby has been sleep trained or not. If they are sleep trained, I typically recommend three naps, though, only as part of an overall training program. If baby is not yet sleep trained, it doesn’t really matter how many naps they’re taking 😉
I have the same question! She can’t stay awake longer than 1 hour, yet she should soon be making just 3 naps.. I just can’t imagine how she’s able to follow that routine..
Check out this blog!:
And also, this is why above I suggest three naps but only as part of an over all training program. A schedule is almost meaningless without a child knowing how to be an independent sleeper.
Hi Natalie, I am following your book. My baby goes for her first nap at 8AM. One day she sleeps for 2 hours and other day she sleeps for 1 hour. I am now confused when her next nap should be 11AM or 11.30AM or 12PM. If she sleeps for 2 hours for her first nap, she is just awake for one hour for her next nap at 11AM and she may not feel like sleeping at 11AM. If she sleeps for 1 hour, she is awake for 2 hours and 11AM sounds ideal for her 2nd nap. I am little confused on how should I deal with these timings. Appreciate any input.
Nap one at 8:30 am (not 8 <3), then as long as it ends by 10 am, next nap at 11:30, then 3, ending all naps at 4 and then bedtime at 7. If nap one is long, leave at least 90 mins from end of one nap to start of next, ending all naps by 4 pm.
Natalie what about when daylight savings hits do we keep the same bedtime which would make the 7pm now 8pm or do you slowly move it 15 mins each day to bring it back to 7pm at the new time?
Hi Elisa. This should help. and
When sleep training during the day, do I have to black out the room?? Or will just having the blinds down be enough??
My baby is 7 months old and I just can’t seem to get her on a 2 nap schedule…. she wakes to early.. how can I change this? Finishes her 2nd nap around 1.30 in the afternoon, I can’t seem to get to bedtime without another nap
Hi Chloe,
It’s really a matter of simply not allowing her to nap until sometime between 9 am and 10 am, and then no earlier than 1:30 pm. Even if she’s tired and fussy, keep naps starting no earlier than 9 am and 1:30 pm, and bedtime no earlier than 7 pm. Hang in there!!
This article should help.
Hi Natalie, ×
What if baby starts waking up earlier? 8 month is doing 7-7 with two naps 9 and 1:30 both an hour long. She has been consistently waking up at 6:20 am. It important to us to get that extra 40min of sleep. Do we give in and change our schedule from 6:20-7pm?
If my baby sleeps in should I wake him to keep him at a consistent wake time? For example if he needs to wake up between 630 and seven, but is able to sleep in until 830 one day should I wake him up? Obviously it seems to affect his nap schedule