Well hi there! Welcome to our sleep training success stories. Each success story features a family who is SLEEPING BETTER after following one of our Baby Sleep Trainer programs! Rebecca Weyrauch, mother to Astrid, sleep trained with me when baby was 17 months only. Here is their story…..

Photo Credit: Rebecca Weyrauch

I finally decided to bite the bullet and sleep train because…

We tried a different sleep training method months before and it didn’t work and we were to the point of my child not getting enough sleep and me not getting any sleep during the day or night.

Before sleep training my baby slept…

Barely at all during naps and at night 30 mins to 3 hours (if I got lucky) spurts over 9 hour night period.

After sleep training my baby sleeps 8pm to 7am every night and was having (1) 2 hour nap during the day. Nighttime is still the same at 4 years old, her naps are now every other day.

My biggest worry about sleep training was…

That my daughter wouldn’t take to it and that she’d feel that I left her.

The actual sleep training itself was…

A lot easier than I was expecting because I had Natalie for support which cannot be stated enough. It went how she said it would. But her support to do it made it so much easier for me because I didn’t feel alone and it helped me see I was helping my child learn how to sleep.

Did your attachment with your baby change after sleep training?

She was still as close to me after as she was before. But I felt better with her because I didn’t feel like she was draining me.

Do you think sleep training is healthy for baby, you, and your family?

Yes. Yes. Yes. She was getting the sleep she needed and it showed in her behavior, she actually became an easier kid. And I was getting proper sleep to finally enjoy my days with her and not feel like a zombie all the time. And all of that made things easier for my husband. We all were just having better days together. We were able to start a bedtime routine that we still continue now and is our little family thing.

(Picture yourself telling a close girlfriend) Sleep training is…

A godsend. Your baby feels better, you feel better, you both enjoy everything more because everyone is not so tired. And it helps your baby have some independence because they are learning to help themselves. I’ve already recommended to at least 2 new mom friends.

How would you respond to hearing, “Sleep training is selfish”?

Not getting enough sleep and so you can’t be your best is not selfish, it is sabotage. Don’t do that to yourself! Get sleep! Let your baby get sleep! You’ll be your best selves and can enjoy this journey more.

How many nights did it take for baby’s nighttime sleep to improve and how many nights did it take for baby’s naps to improve?

Nighttime was at a complete 180 in 3 days. But really only the first night was really hard. Naps were great after a week, but started seeing improvement after just a couple days.

If your child is now older than 4 years old, did sleep training improve your child’s quality of life?


Would you recommend BST to a friend and if so, who and why?

Yes and I have! I have a new mom friend who is having some sleep issues with her 10 month old and I have tagged her in the q&a’s and sent her links to the Facebook page. Because everyone deserves enough sleep to be able to enjoy parenthood.

If you are experiencing sleep issues with your little one, you can get the help you need with one of my efficient, affordable programs. Click here to learn more. Got a success story to share? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us an email here.

Your partner in sleep, Natalie xoxo