Getting baby to sleep can be a tricky task for parents. Each week we feature a mama & baby who have faced the baby sleep training frontline and are finally thriving with more sleep and less stress! Lindsay Shaw, mother to Evie, sleep trained with me when baby was 11 months old. Here is their story…..
I finally decided to bite the bullet and sleep train because….
My biggest worry about sleep training was….
Before sleep training my baby slept….
After sleep training my baby sleeps….
The sleep training process itself was….
Did your attachment with your baby change in a positive or a negative way after sleep training?
Do you feel like sleep training was a healthy choice for baby, you, and your family?
How would you respond to hearing, “Sleep training is selfish”?
How many nights did it take for baby’s nighttime sleep to improve and how many nights did it take for baby’s naps to improve?
Would you recommend BST to a friend and if so, who and why?
There are a lot of sleep training methods, so many that I was second guessing when and how to begin. And I knew that if I didn’t go all in, what was the point of beginning and letting my baby cry just to quit and confuse her? And everyone has an opinion (pat back? Stay in room? Extinction?) I needed ONE method and I needed to know I had an Expert I could talk to when I had a question that pertained to my situation. I recommend BST to my Mommy and Me group.
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