Baby eczema and sleep can be a tough, heartstrings pulling combination! One Baby Sleep Trainer follower named Peggy asked,” Is there any advice on how to sleep train/stop swaddling a 6 month old that scratches her face until she bleeds? My daughter has really bad eczema on her face and one night she broke free and I found blood all over her. I don’t want to swaddle forever, but she scratches so much. Please help/advise.” And I know Peggy is not alone in her worries! Read on for some tips to combat this itchy situation.

baby eczema face scratching and sleep

Photo Credit: Kristina Paukshtite

How to Impede the Scratching

My oldest child still deals with eczema flare ups from time to time, so I know first hand the difficulty associated with trying to keep a baby from incessantly scratching at those itchy patches. Baby eczema and sleep don’t have to cancel each other out!

The best solution I’ve found to deal with this issue is to sew the ends shut on your baby’s long-sleeved shirt/pajama/onesie. This may not stop the scratching, but will keep the nails from breaking the skin.

If like me you’re not very crafty, then consider purchasing something from Bamboo Bubby. They have specially designed sleeves and sleep sacks in natural fabrics that can keep the itching to a minimum.

Other ideas that help…

In addition to physically covering the hands, make sure to:

  • Keep your baby’s fingernails short.
  • Maintain your baby’s room at a cool temperature (body heat rises at night and the hotter the body is, the more eczema will flare up).
  • Use a dermatologist approved and baby-safe moisturizer right before bedtime.
  • Use only 100% natural and non-irritating fabrics for sheets and pajamas.

Hopefully with these suggestions Peggy’s, and your baby can soon sleep soundly through the night. If you’d like more helpful sleep tidbits, sign up for my newsletter!