Anyone fortunate enough to read this review of the amazing Owlet is in for a treat! Rachel, Baby Sleep Trainer team member extraordinaire (and my very best friend), was lucky enough to test out the Owlet Smart Sock on her darling newborn. Below she shares her experience with all of you. Take it away, Rachel!

owlet review

Photo Credit: Kiara Rose

Rachel here. Hello!

From the minute I opened that Tiffany’s blue (mint?) box, I knew I was in love. Very smart color choice, by the way. And while I still can not pronounce the name correctly the first time I go to say it… I completely blame my 3.5 year old son and his love of PJ Masks (shout out to Owelette!) The Owlet is worth every penny for the worried Mama.

Life With a Newborn

I have been lucky enough to have three, healthy, and typical deliveries. My babies are kind of freaky and like to come on their delivery date, or within 24 hours of it. And the biggest scare of the entire birthing process has been that they all like to get tied up with their umbilical cord on their exit. So while my children’s lives have all started pretty solidly health-wise, I am still a Mom. And I have crazy worries.

Those first weeks of motherhood with a newborn (even my third time around) are like no other. From establishing the breastfeeding relationship (every time it’s different and every time it’s HARD!). To the many crazy procedures and tests my fresh earthlings endure (circumcision, tongue tie revision, blood tests). To even just the foreign noises they make when they sleep (which you hear EVERY ONE of)! And don’t tell me that at least once while baby is lying there sleeping way too still you haven’t sat there poking him like a chimpanzee. Or staring like a hawk to make sure baby is still breathing!

We all do it.

Owlet to the Rescue

So I receive the Owlet in the mail, and have it sitting on my dresser waiting until I could get five, childless minutes alone to open it and dig in. And about 3 days later my poor, one-month-old pumpkin catches his first cold from his loving, adoring (read: smothering) older siblings. His little nose was super stuffed up. So much so he was gagging during nursing sessions, and my trusty Nose Frida was barely keeping the snot parade at bay. The last thing I wanted to do was lay him flat on his back to sleep. But not willing to break safety rules, I knew I had to do it. Enter the perfectly-timed Owlet.

I was slightly intimidated by the two instructional booklets in the box, but relieved when upon opening them I learned they were mostly pictures. New moms need mostly pictures! I was then super charmed by these adorable little socks – that come in 3 sizes! – to last all of babyhood! I got everything plugged in to charge and studied the color key. Green basically means good to go, red is bad. Got it.

I strapped it on baby boy’s right tiny foot, wondering if he was going to be comfortable wearing it. I was happy to see zero reaction. So I swaddled him up, rocked him to sleep, and was so thankful to hear and see nothing but green all night long. What a relief! Even though I could hear him wheeze and sneeze and generally suffer from the horrible snot monster, I knew he was getting enough oxygen and his heart was pumping away steadily.

It Works

The gift of peace of mind is pretty incalculable. And again, my kids have been lucky enough to be among the typically developing set. I can’t even imagine what it would feel like to manage serious health risks. I sincerely wish every baby could leave the hospital with one of these, and I am so grateful to have the privilege of seeing it in action.

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